
Here is why your nose runs when you eat


A leaky nose reaction can be brought on by foods like hot peppers, garlic, and ginger. Everybody has experienced a runny nose at some point in their life. Sometimes it’s brought on by allergies, the flu, or a cold.

But occasionally, tissues may be required because the foods we eat sometimes cause our noses to run like a faucet. Gustatory rhinitis is a condition that makes your nose runny after eating particular foods. Consider spiciness in the form of salsa, garlic, and hot peppers.

Why does eating cause my nose to run?

It’s thought that some foods stimulate the trigeminal nerve more strongly than others.

“We imagine that our nose only detects smells or air. However, there are nerves in our noses that assist in producing mucus to keep it moist and assist in controlling airflow.

Certain foods can also stimulate the trigeminal nerve, which can make your nose run. Adults over the age of 50 also frequently experience gustatory rhinitis.

However, other nasal problems like infections, allergies, and irritants may also affect older people. Senile rhinitis, which causes post-nasal drip, itchy nose, sneezing, dry or crusted nasal passages, and other symptoms, is also connected to aging.


The following signs of gustatory rhinitis during meals may occur:

– a stuffy nose.

– the feeling of congestion

– clear discharge.

– Postnasal drip, also known as throat phlegm.

Additionally, these symptoms are very similar for various rhinitis types.

Nonallergic rhinitis includes gustatory rhinitis. Dust, pollen, and mold can all cause allergic rhinitis. Nasal symptoms can also be caused by food allergies. Peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, gluten, and eggs are common food allergens.

So how do you identify the real reason behind your runny nose?

Your doctor may determine that you have gustatory rhinitis, but they will first rule out any other possible causes of your runny nose.


Numerous foods can make your nose run. Here are a few typical examples:

– spicy cuisine.

– spicy peppers.

– Garlic.

– Curry.

– Salsa.

– chili sauce.

– chili flakes.

– Ginger.

additional organic spices.

Usually, a few minutes after you finish eating, your nose will stop running.


You can certainly stay away from foods that causes it. However, gustatory rhinitis is treatable. Here are a few treatment choices:

Nasal sprays containing ipratropium bromide, such as Nasal Atrovent, decongestants, such as Sudafed, and steroid sprays, such as Flonase and Nasacort.

Conclusion: Although gustatory rhinitis isn’t dangerous, dealing with a runny nose while eating can be annoying and even embarrassing.

The most crucial step is making the proper diagnosis, which will help determine the most suitable course of action.

Even if a runnynose doesn’t significantly interfere with your daily activities, you should still get treatment. You don’t need to put up with it.

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